Take a Look Around

Why I Love Fall, Even Though Winter Is Just Around The Corner

After a long hot summer, fall brings deliciously cool air into my home and life. Even though winter is just around the corner, fall flowers continue to bloom and the leaves begin their annual color change. Autumn is a delightful mix of perfect weather and outstanding colors.

The remembrance that winter is just around the corner gets me motivated and I use the season to finish projects. Cleaning the yard and planting for the coming spring gives me a feeling of completion that no other season can do. The air itself is crisp and clean and the sounds of work resonate through my soul.

Spring is a time of new beginnings but fall is a time for contemplation. The streets are quiet during the day because everyone has went back to their normal routine after the summer. With only the sounds of rustling leaves, I find comfort as I go about my daily tasks.

I start thinking about the coming holidays and begin planning for Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas treats. The oven, long unused during the hot summer, is once again heated and the smells of baked comforting casseroles and breads once again fill my kitchen. The warmth of a hot meal is uncovered once again and family time becomes precious once again.

I love fall because I relish the long walks through the woods and streets each year. Knowing that it will soon be too cold, each step becomes an affirmation of the richness of my continued health. Neighbors feel it too and the crisp tinge of cool area somehow makes all of us friendlier. Fall somehow expands time and lets us appreciate it.

Fall gives noise an ethereal quality. The sound of cheering during a football game rises and swells on the air and drifts away. Fall is a season without time.

I love autumn because even as the year draws to a close, I find myself thinking about next years projects. Pulling out the warm winter clothes and shopping for a few new items provides a sense of durability to my life. Too busy during spring, I hastily find summer clothing. But with the coldness of winter looming, fall is the perfect time to reorganize and rearrange.

I have a few pumpkins sitting outside that I'll enjoy for as long as possible. That is the reason that I love fall so much. It lends itself to anticipation as the days wind down towards winter.

Thanks for stopping by,


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