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Serving Your Husband By Knowing Him Better

I copied this piece from a 19th century book on homemaking. I love how this simple story shows how if we listen more carefully to our husbands we will begin to understand them better. Husbands talk in such a straightforward way. There is no need to guess as to what they are thinking or what they like or dislike. If you are listening, they have probably already told you.

Oh, it won't be as easy as reading an open book, but the clues are there.

What are his common complaints around the house? Work very hard to eliminate them and he will be very happy.

When he speaks of his friends or others at work, what does he say about them? There will likely be clues about his pet-peeves and morals and standards.  He may talk about 'lazy so and so' or 'the one who always cuts corners'. Listen and you'll know what habits to instill in yourself and in your children.

Enjoy this little tale.

Here is a piece of advice from a very happy woman, who has lived in uninterrupted harmony with her husband for nearly twenty years. She writes me thus :—" Do you know to what I attribute a great deal of matrimonial unhappiness? It sounds trivial, but I am quite sure it is due to talking before breakfast. It is a period when most people feel rather unfit for the burdens of life, and when they naturally look on the dark side of things, and therefore it is not good to make it the time for conversation.
"When we married, my husband was quite an old bachelor in his ways, and I remember thinking it very funny when one day he told me how gloomy and irritable he felt till he had had his breakfast, and how afterwards the world looked quite different to him, and he felt able to bear all its little worries and vexations philosophically.
"I thought over my spouse's peculiarity, and after a little time I came to the conclusion that it was one in which I shared, but to a small extent only. However, I knew quite enough about the feeling to be able to sympathise, and from that time forth we made it our rule to defer all conversation till after breakfast.

"I often wish I could persuade other people to try our plan; I know many wives who say that dressing time is such an admirable one for getting the husband's undivided attention, but I am sure that it is a vast mistake to begin the discussion of ways and means, and a number of other worrying topics which require mental exertion before the body has been refreshed after its long fast by the 'cup that cheers.'"

More about serving your husband.

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Go take care of your man!


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