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Understanding Domestic Economy

The following is a concisely stated summary of how wonderful it is to be a homemaker. Enjoy!

1. First let us understand what Domestic Economy means. "Domestic" comes from domus, a home or family. "Economy" comes from oikos, a house; and nomos, law, or management. These words together mean, "the management of the family house or home."
Domestic Economy is the science which teaches the right management of the family home.
2. The rightful home manager is a woman. On her the family depend for the food, clothing, cleanliness, and comfort necessary to health; and for the good nursing necessary in sickness. This science, which belongs specially to the education of girls, is of more importance than all the other arts and sciences put together. From well-managed homes go forth happy, healthy, wise, and good men and women, to fill every position in the world.
3. If a country were made up of such homes, it would be a nation healthy and happy, noble and good, wise and prosperous. The influence and power of girls are, therefore, enormous. They have more to do with success or failure, happiness or misery, than statesmen, philanthropists, and clergymen.

4. The object of this book is to help them in the acquirement of this their own most important science. Every girl who wishes to do her part towards making the world healthier, happier, wiser, and better, must study this science with a thankful sense of her own high mission.
5. The wisest man thus speaks of a good home manager: "She bringeth food from afar; she giveth meat to her household: she seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands; she is not afraid of snow, for her household they are clothed: she looketh well to their ways: her children rise up and call her blessed: her husband praiseth her: she will do him good, and not evil, all the days of his life."
Adapted from a 19th century women's book.


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